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Background Verification

Manpower Simplified

Background Verification

We bring the verification process for your new joiners to validate their Identity, Education, Work Education.

The correct information and credible candidates helps employers with regulations and laws.

Verify and then create credible and trusted team!

How we do it

Our Great Associations
bring it under one umbrella!

Validated candidate brings trust and more value to
Employer’s standards and policy statements.

At the end of each recruitment, whether full-time, part-time, permanent or contract, an organization hires a candidate and let them enter their premises. Once they are recruited, they will be given access to variety of proprietory / confidential information and resources. Hence in today’s world, it becomes a mandatory exercise to get few background checks conducted for the candidate.

A background check or background verification is the process of looking up identification, education or employment relative records of an individual. Background verifications are often requested by employers on job candidates for employment screening, ID / residence verification etc. These checks are often used by employers as a means of judging a job candidate’s past mistakes / character / identity and to make timely decision of candidate’s employment.

We, at Cocentrus, provides the background verification service (with our associated partners) to facililate our customers for the following checks:
– Employment Checks
– Education Checks
– Address Verification
– Civil & Criminal Checks
– Reference Verification
– Professional License Verification
– ID [PAN/DL/Voter] Verification

Need Help?

Hired but not Verified?
We will get the verification done!

Share your document verification requirements,
And we will get back to you to get that accomplished.

    You may fill the form above or Email us at or Call us at 9250406614 / 15 /16